It is under a bright sun that the Principality has started 2019 and all of us also ! I like when it starts like that. I especially like to start the year with some resolutions, those which seem to me essential to reach the balance of all my lives. This balance is unique to everyone and there is no miracle cure … So, a bit of introspection to know a little more and you’re done. I advise you besides for that the method of Alain Forget, Monegasque resident, which you will discover in his book “How to get Out of this world alive”. To know more about Alain Forget, it’s HERE

This year, for my part, I’m going back to sport. Well, as Bouba of the Yacht Club would say, “sport is not really a resolution, it’s a way of life”. At first it takes a lot of discipline and after a while it is part of our routine and it’s like eating it becomes vital. So I started the year with brisk walking – I also have several courses through Monaco that I will tell you in a future article-. At a rate of twice a week. Gently but surely my friends! The most important thing is to persevere! I hope very quickly go back to my pilates classes with topissime coach Christiane at the Yacht Club, my favorite address (but you already know it)!

This year, too, I want to focus more on nutrition. Realize “home made” for all the benefits that it provides for both body and mind. I felt guilty last year by reading the Carla’s world BLOG  (which I highly recommend) that offers us super recipes hyper colored and vitamin! A mother from the Principality Naturopath who is passionate about healthy cooking.

This year also I will continue to cultivate little happiness, like going to take a small coffee at Valentin with Guillaume, admire the beautiful sunsets with Juliette, discover a story of wolf with Andrea, etc …

And you, your resolutions?

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